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No other service in the world can teach you what you can learn here

No other service in the world can teach you what you can learn here

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Property Sharemarket Economics (PSE)
We teach you to Remember the Future

It’s an undeniable fact that for over 200 years, global economies have moved through regular ‘booms and busts’ cycles.

Fortunes are made during the ‘booms’.

Devastatingly, as many fortunes, along with jobs and businesses are lost in the ‘busts’.

If you invest in property or the stock market, own or run a business, then you’re at the mercy of these boom bust cycles.

Now, imagine if you knew when the booms and busts in the economy were going to occur – and had that knowledge years in advance – how would that help your decision making and indeed profit levels in your investing or business?

It might sound impossible but it’s actually not overly-complex like many modern economists, analysts and governments want you to believe.

Most investors and business owners usually make the wrong moves at the wrong times. For example, many real estate investors make big decisions close to market peaks when optimism is high and funding is easily available.

The major peaks very quickly turn to recessions and depressions catching many investors and businesses out and causing extreme damage in the process.

Advanced knowledge of when these peaks and turns will occur gives the investor and business owner an incredibly powerful advantage.

The other side of that coin is that investors and business owners who do not understand this cycle cannot possibly make the best strategic decisions about how and when to get in and out of investment markets or business.

The Property Sharemarket Economics (PSE) service is like no other.

We will teach you how the boom bust economy works, and most importantly when these major peaks and turns in the stock markets and real estate prices will occur…..years in advance.

I run a recruitment business. Thanks to your advice at the 2018 London event, I resisted the urge to grow my headcount and saved cash. We have had a bad time through this 2020 period but are in pretty good shape overall and have not furloughed or laid anyone off. Thanks again for your brilliant work and advice. Literally saved my ass.”
Damien, August 2020

PSE is led by 2 leading economic minds – Phil Anderson and Akhil Patel.

Phil Anderson is the acclaimed author of The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking.

Back in 2001 Phil successfully called the economic peak that occurred in 2007.

He suggested that subscribers prepare for a major economic bust to follow. This ended up being what we now know as the Global Financial Crisis of 2008/09.

In addition, when the world was sure the crisis would continue Phil said that the opposite would happen, predicting that from 2010 the recovery would begin and would be led by US stocks.

This is exactly what happened.

Imagine if you’d had that information at that time.

What if you had that information the next time around?

As a testament to your service, I pulled my funds out of the market over 2019 and waited for the drop that you said would come and got back in within a week of the March 23rd low. Where not only did I not lose a cent in the drop, I ended up around 30% on my portfolio before I pulled the majority out last week.”
Bart, 20th Sept 2020

Akhil Patel has been writing and educating investors for the last decade on the 18.6 year boom bust cycle.

Akhil also authors the highly regarded K-Wave – The Fifth Wave commodity report. This prescient report assists commodity investors with the short, medium and long term commodity price movements.

In 2013 Akhil successfully called the decade bottom in 2015 and the peak in August 2020, along with shorter term gold movements.

Together, Phil, Akhil and the PSE Team have been helping their members, years in advance, to prepare for the recession of 2020 and 2021.

In terms of the sharemarket they both called the January 2020 sharemarket top and the very emotional and deep March 2020 low.

And assured investors that even though a recession was expected that property prices would hold up during this time.

This extensive research is available exclusively to PSE members.

As a PSE member you will be guided in advance of the likely movements and timings in the property and sharemarket asset classes as well as the overall economy.

This service is designed to educate you so that you can make profitable business and investment decisions at the right time – and importantly enable you to protect your assets from loss well in advance of the economic downturns when the majority of investors get caught out.

This research is acclaimed, unique and exclusive, and we invite you to join us!

This service is designed to educate you so that you can make profitable business and investment decisions at the right time – and importantly enable you to protect your assets from loss well in advance of the economic downturns when the majority of investors get caught out.

What our subscribers’ say!
What Our Property Sharemarket
Economic Members Say!

“Subscribing has certainly helped me a lot, especially when you look at the fear factors, like you have the share market falls in 2018 and the current one that’s underway at the moment (March 2020). I haven’t panicked during these times, because I know there’s more to go in the cycle. So that’s been quite a help for me, stamping out that fear and having a more rational approach to long term investing.”

Jason Boladeras Jason Boladeras,
long time subscriber to Property Sharemarket Economics.
Jason Boladeras Jason Boladeras,
long time subscriber to Property Sharemarket Economics.
How property investors profit from the 18.6 year cycle.
How accountants and financial advisers help their clients profit from the 18.6 year cycle.
How investors and traders profit from the 18.6 year cycle knowledge.
How property investors profit from the 18.6 year cycle.
How accountants and financial advisers help their clients profit from the 18.6 year cycle.
How investors and traders profit from the 18.6 year cycle knowledge.

Our Team
Meet a few of the Team!

“I teach people how to remember the future.

It’s pretty simple.

I do that by giving people an economic structure in which they can interpret current events, so they can forecast future events and make money from it.”

Phil Anderson Phil Anderson
Team Leader, Property Sharemarket Economics
Phil Anderson Phil Anderson
Team Leader, Property Sharemarket Economics
Why did Phil Anderson start Property Sharemarket Economics?
Introduction to Akhil Patel, one of the directors of Property Sharemarket Economics (PSE).
Can you profit from the 18.6 year cycle?
How does economics fit within the repeating investment cycles?
Why did Phil Anderson start Property Sharemarket Economics?
Introduction to Akhil Patel, one of the directors of Property Sharemarket Economics (PSE).
Can you profit from the 18.6 year cycle?
How does economics fit within the repeating investment cycles?

Property Sharemarket Economics
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