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Hi there, this is Darren Wilson, Editor of the Boom Bust Bulletin, and writer of these free weekly blogs.

Every now and then, the Property Sharemarket Economics (PSE) team is invited to speak to various financial media across the globe.

So it was for PSE co-founder and Director Akhil Patel recently.

He was invited to speak to Paul Rodriguez from Think trader and Tim Price from Price value Partners on their “State of the Markets” podcast.

Whenever this occurs, then I will from time to time write a special blog to you to make you aware.Today is one such opportunity.

During this podcast, Akhil, Paul, and Tim spoke about the following.

  1. Akhil gives his reason for gold’s recent strong moves higher, what it means for inflation and the recent US banking crisis?
  2. Is commercial real estate in the US and elsewhere in serious trouble?
  3. What is Akhil’s view on some of the most well connected and respected market analysts and fund managers bearish view on equity markets today?
  4. Is there more than meets the eye behind the recent US banking collapse?
  5. Views on the continuing trend away from the US dollar for settlement of global trade.
  6. Will we see bitcoin’s price reach $1 million US dollars a coin by July this year?
  7. Is hyperinflation a concern in the near future?
  8. Akhil addressed Michael Burry’s call for a near term stock market collapse and his call to ‘short everything’!
  9. Tim and Paul ask Akhil about the weaknesses of the current fiat based financial system, how reliable the government’s deposit insurance scheme is during a bank-run type panic, and what this says about trust in central banks?
  10. Should we have banks that hold deposit only, and banks that hold your investment capital? Why it’s a good idea they both be separate from each other for the good of business investment and depositors.
  11. Akhil answers several listeners questions posted via social media.

And if you listen to the end, Akhil gives you some exclusive insights about his brand new book “The Secret Wealth Advantage” and alerts listeners that it’s also available as a pre-sale on Amazon UK, Amazon US and Booktopia Australia.

I’ve seen an advance copy. Let me say this: you’re d̲e̲f̲i̲n̲i̲t̲e̲l̲y going to want a copy on your bookshelf to guide you through the next few years. And make sure all your friends and family have a copy too.

Akhil will write an update for Property Cycle Investor readers about the book and what it contains shortly.

Please find the link to this podcast on your favorite podcast app below.

For Apple podcast listeners please click here.
For Spotify listeners click here.

In fact, I encourage you to listen to this again once you are finished, such are the range of topics these gentleman cover.

And when you do, ask yourself the question “How can I learn about this knowledge for myself?”

As you can appreciate, the truly life changing economic and market events are now about to start, so this means you need to position yourself now.

Here’s the best place to begin; via a membership to the Boom Bust Bulletin.

This is where you’ll learn the history of the 18.6-year Real Estate Cycle, why it continues to repeat and the best way to ensure you and your family can take full advantage of this knowledge.

All for $4USD a month. That’s less than your weekly takeaway coffee bill!

Amazing value.

Sign up now.

Best wishes,

Darren J Wilson
and your Property Sharemarket Economics Team

P.S. – If you would like to receive weekly updates like this, sign up here.

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This content is not personal or general advice. If you are in doubt as to how to apply or even should be applying the content in this document to your own personal situation, we recommend you seek professional financial advice. Feel free to forward this email to any other person whom you think should read it.